Oyo State is failing daily - Adelabu knocks Makinde, joins guber race
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Oyo State is failing daily - Adelabu knocks Makinde, joins guber race

May 10, 2022

Oyo State is failing daily - Adelabu knocks Makinde, joins guber race

Admin By Adewale Adewale
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A Former Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria and the candidate of All Progressives Congress (APC) in 2019 election in Oyo State, Oloye Bayo Adelabu has officially declared his gubernatorial ambition under the party for the 2023 general elections, saying that Oyo State under Governor Seyi Mainde is failing daily.

Adelabu made the declaration at a press conference held at his political headquarters in Ibadan, the state capital on Monday.

He said he has observed the deficiencies in the Makinde-led government, hence the need for him to contest in order to put things in proper shape in the state.

According to him, “I have observed the deficiencies of the present Oyo State Government being led by Engineer Seyi Makinde, these deficiencies point unerringly to an unspeakable lack of understanding about what is called Government Business. 

"Government Business is not a trade which any man does for his personal emoluments or aggrandizement. It takes society for its basis and reason and experiences for its guide. It takes society for its basis because it is the centre towards which people gravitate for collaboration and cooperation in order to achieve progress and happiness. This is the reason why the business is divided or expanded into Ministeries, Agencies and Departments in order to serve Humanity.

“Unfortunately, but really, the current Oyo state government is failing daily and woefully on fundamental departments of government business. For instance, security of lives and properties which is the true end and aim of government is a distant achievement for Seyi’s government. "His government has enthroned thuggery and hooliganism as the official controllers of Oyo State. The indigenes and residents in the pacesetter state can no longer sleep with their two eyes closed talkless of doing businesses of life with peace and progress.

“The Excellency of government is no longer excellent in Oyo state in the light of our sordid performance in the environment, education, health, security, agriculture among others.

"I have my 7 points agenda for the good people of Oyo state, which are, SECURITY OF LIVES AND PROPERTIES: This will be of utmost importance for the government that I will lead, if voted in as the flagbearer of APC in the governorship contest of 2023 in Oyo State. The present government has with it’s own hands, through greed and being neophytes in power, unleashed violence on the people of Oyo State through it’s halfhearted implementation of improving the parks system and transportation in Oyo State. Likewise will our eyes not be closed to external aggressors against the peace of the good people of Oyo State.

“MECHANIZED AGRICULTURE AND POVERTY ALLEVIATION: My private sector experience, coupled with my experience as a former Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria and my various networks in private, government and international sectors; I am seized of the programme and ideas to alleviate and lift thousands of the good people of Oyo State from the excruciating stranglehold of poverty that the PDP government has entangled round the neck of our people.

“INDUSTRIALISATION AND EMLLOYMENT CREATION: We shall bring back the glory of Ibadan as a hub for industrialists and we shall open up other cities and establish industrial networks in them. We shall make gainful employment available for the people as this will be a concomitant to the industrialisation of Oyo State.

“HEALTH: Health is wealth is a truism . We shall give top priority to the provision of affordable health services for our people.

“EDUCATION: This shall be a high focus priority to our government if we win. Education will be at the front burner of which we might most likely declare an emergency priority on.

“ENVIRONMENT: Provision of healthy environment with monitored sanitation.

“GOOD GOVERNANCE & INNOVATIVE IDEAS: Good governance begets patriotic citizens. We shall be transparent in all aspects and areas of government and we shall give a very great lattitude to inovative ideas for it has been proven over centuries that good innovative ideas, both in governance and technology are the forerunners to having a great and prosperous society. This I believe in and this I will bring into governance in Oyo State as we all march together as a party and a people to carry the flag of APC in the 2023 governorship election of Oyo State.

“We assure you that with your votes and the help of Almighty ALLAH, we shall all sing the song of victory together, when I shall have won the governorship election of Oyo state as the flagbearer of our great party, the APC.

“The general elections and particularly the gubernatorial election in our dear state would meet all us alive by God’s Grace. It shall be a turning point for the progress of our pacesetting state . May God answer all our heart’s desires . May He bless each and all, men and women, old and young.”

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