Unilorin Alumi Association: ‘We settled for less in Fasakin, at a critical time’ – Opinion
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Unilorin Alumi Association: ‘We settled for less in Fasakin, at a critical time’ – Opinion

July 16, 2023

Unilorin Alumi Association: ‘We settled for less in Fasakin, at a critical time’ – Opinion

Admin By Adewale Adewale
  • 972
  • 6 min
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Yesterday, my friends within and in diaspora had bombarded my line for obvious reason. We have common interest in the advancement of our Alma Mata; University of Ilorin and specifically, the Alumni Association. Obviously, they knew my commitment and concern for the association before I left the shore of Nigeria few years back and, reason why I became detached at a particular time.

Like I said some seven years ago at the University Auditorium that we are jesters when I saw the quality of people being put forward to lead and more disturbing, being packaged to take over in years to come. I am today vindicated and, the truth is coming to limelight. I promised friends that I will say few things when chanced after reading through the release by Dr. Olokooba Ayinla. This is the premise for my action now and that, I will not be comfortable to see my beloved association smeared.

First, God bless Dr. Olokooba for that piece. He is truly “Akinkanju”. I know he was trying to be careful not to say much but, summarizes the ordeals that makes the association the ghost of itself now. It was collective error bringing collateral damage to all of us. I am sure the body of past presidents should be sad as the labour of our hero’s past is almost in vain. The association built with love, peace and unity is now in court courtesy of man who is not worthy the honour of leadership and academic title he parades! A street photographer and bodyguard for politicians is now holding us all to ransom. I warned those involved then and, even my Akinkanju is not exempted in bringing this man to power.

We must have all tasted the salty soup with Dr Wale Fasakin by now. The personality of Wale Fasakin I knew many years ago is that of a pig whose joy is in muddy water and street fight. Without any apology, I will be surprised if he has changed or has any iota of decency in him. Unfortunately, he has a few reasonable elements as members of the “dismissed exco” who for the sake of loyalty are still defending his wrong doings. For those individuals, I can understand and pity their present condition.

Calling a spade a spade, I am never and can never be a fan of Fasakin! He can blackmail, he can impersonate to get undeserved position, he can fight rough, he can go any length to beg for position, he can promise a thing in the morning and change five times before the night and, his interest is always on contract or turning association to his income source. Simple! He can counter my opinion and see if I will not give instances but I do not want to go personal.

The fundamental issue here is that we all settle for less in Fasakin at a critical time and the consequences is hunting us badly. Let Fasakin point to anything meaningful he has done since coming to office other than alumni annual scroll business and lapel production. The joblessness of Fasakin is another setback to the current reality in the association. I hope we will get this right in the future.

To the issue at hand, my first worry, is the ignorance expressed by one of his cohorts on the worldwide platform by joining the institution’s Vice-Chancellor and asking him to search his conscience and not take side. The response indicates blind loyalty and intellectual laziness to dissect matter. To every right-thinking person, you should know that the side of any Vice-Chancellor in matter of this nature will be of progressive association supporting the development of the institution. In Dr. Olokooba’s write up, you read that the court asked the Vice-Chancellor to call the factions and settle the matter amicably. The next line to that was that a meeting was called and your Fasakin was in agreement to proceed with unification agenda. In saner community, the Vice-Chancellor and the alumni association are usually on the same page looking for endowment, partnership and collaboration to project the institution. In the response of Fasakin’s boy, it was stated that “A kii ti kootu bo di ore” (meaning we don’t return from court and be friends), I was expecting the writer to be knowledgeable enough in the association matter to know that it has been Fasakin from one police station to another and, one court to another. His brief case should be filled with all manners of injunctions now. It is sufficed to note that your Boss, Mr. Fasakin is un-strategic by attacking body of past presidents he may likely join afterwards (You may wish to read about the role of this body in resolving crisis in the association). If all you read is what Fasakin is telling you on social media platforms, then, your being better by far as a product of same institution is questionable.

The second issue, is to ask Fasakin, to come open with records of his exco activities before the crisis, particularly, financial recklessness. If you are in doubt of my position, appeal to Fasakin to allow Fact-Finding Committee upload the report or request for personal copy to clear your doubt and pray for a better association.

Distinguished Colleagues, with the degrees in our hands, lets ask fundamental questions and not sentimental. To remain in a relationship that has broken down is not only about psychological or emotional trauma but suicidal. I hope you can relate with that.

Calling on body of past presidents to do the needful, collaborating with the institution to foster meaningful relationship and, birthing purposeful Alumni Exco in my humble view is the way to go.


Adeboye Akinola (Baba Ewe), writes from Canada

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