Don’t throw away baby with bathwater - Amosun appeals to ASUU to call off seven months old strike
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Don’t throw away baby with bathwater - Amosun appeals to ASUU to call off seven months old strike

Oct. 10, 2022

Don’t throw away baby with bathwater - Amosun appeals to ASUU to call off seven months old strike

Admin By Adewale Adewale
  • 616
  • 6 min
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Former Governor of Ogun State, Senator Ibikunle Amosun, has appealed, once again, to the Academic Staff Union of Universities, ASUU, to call off the over seven months old strike in the interest of the development of the country.

The Senator representing Ogun Central Senatorial District, while answering questions on the development during a live broadcast by the BBC Yoruba, Monday, and monitored by HorisonTimes, cautioned that the Union should not 'throw away baby with the bathwater'.

The former Governor who revealed that he had been involved in discussions with the leadership of the Union, assured that some of the demands of ASUU are being attended to by the Buhari’s administration.

Amosun who also revealed that he sided with the Union when the struggle started further cautioned that the deadlock in the negotiation process was already creating an atmosphere capable of destroying the whole system.

- ASUU President, Professor Emmanuel Osodeke

He said, “Everybody has its fault, whatever we are saying about this country, we are all here and we know what is happening. When this struggle started, I was with ASUU, the reason is because the importance of education cannot be overemphasized in a community, state or a country. A country without proper education system will be destroyed.

“This is why it is important to give education all the attention it deserves.

“But on the part of ASUU and its demands, the government has tried the ones within its capability, particularly the Buhari government has tried his best, this was not how the situation was, there has been a little improvement by the administration.

“I have spoken with ASUU and I was also part of the (Senate) committee that engaged ASUU leadership and we cautioned on why we should not destroy everything by throwing away baby with the bathwater. We cautioned, but it is getting to that point now.

“The solution now is to appeal to ASUU to allow peace rein and resume in the interim while we focus on addressing the demands. Some of the issues have been resolved, ASUU shouldn’t be hellbent in destroying everything. This is not too good.”

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