Breaking: FUNAAB approves use of veil for willing female students, sets conditions
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Breaking: FUNAAB approves use of veil for willing female students, sets conditions

Sept. 29, 2023

Breaking: FUNAAB approves use of veil for willing female students, sets conditions

Admin By Adewale Adewale
  • 2260
  • 2 min
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Authority of the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, FUNAAB, Friday, approved the use of veil by willing Muslim students within the campus.

The approval during a special Senate meeting on Friday puts and end to years of impasse between the Muslim community and the management of the institution over the use of Niqob.

According to the extract of the meeting signed by Dr 'Bola Adekola as obtained by HorizonTimes, all students using veil are free to use it within the campus.

The Senate however mandated all students using veil to register with the Student Affairs Division of the institution through recognised religious body on campus.

All veiled students are also required to facially identify themselves and with their identity cards at the gate of the university and at entry points of public facilities within the campus.

They however can not use the veil during examinations or continuous assessment test, but with a privilege to seat in the front row of the hall.

Facial identification of the veiled students, according to the extract, shall be done only by female security personnel, female staff or responsible female students.

The extract reads, "Every student using veil must register with the Student Affairs Division through a recognised religious body on campus;

"He/She must identify him/herself facially and with his/her identity card to the Security Personnel at the gate of the University;

"Any student using veil is free to use it while in open place or moving around the Campus;

"He/She must identify him/herself facially and with his/her identity card at the entry point of public facilities such as classrooms, laboratories, lecture theatre, clinic, farm, etc;

"He/She must facially identify him/herself and with his/her identity card and must not use the veil during Continious Assesement Test (CAT) and Examination and can seat in the front row of the class; and

"Facial identification of veiled female students should be done by either female security personnel, female staff or any responsible female student."

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