Breaking:  Dhul Hijjah crescent sighted in Saudi Arabia
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Breaking:  Dhul Hijjah crescent sighted in Saudi Arabia

June 29, 2022

Breaking:  Dhul Hijjah crescent sighted in Saudi Arabia

Admin By Adewale Adewale
  • 4760
  • 2 min
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Saudi Arabia Authorities have confirmed the sighting of the moon marking the beginning of the month of Dhul Hijjah, 1443.

The Crescent, according to HaramainInfo on social media, was sighted in Tumair area of the Kingdom.

Subsequently, Friday 8th July, 2022 will be the day of Arafah when the rites of 2023 hajj will climax, while Saturday, 9th July, 2022 is the Eid Al-Adha day.

Muslims are expected to increase in their acts of worship in the first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah following the statement of Prophet Muhammad in Buhari hadith.

The hadith says, “There are no days on which righteous deeds are more beloved to Allah than these ten days”

Muslims not on Hajj are also expected to fast in the day of Arafah, according to an hadith in Muslims.

He (SAW) says, “Fasting on the Day of Arafah expiates the sin of the past year and the coming year.”

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